Sunday, June 22, 2008

How about cleaning WALLS?

Yes, walls get dirty too, even though they are vertical. Amazing, isn't it? Dirt is all around us even when we don't notice it.
Of course, walls get dirty when kids put their hands on them or when they decide to color them-or worse. I've learned that if you don't deal with the dirt that builds up on the walls regularly, you'll be in real trouble when you go to deal with a spot. When trying to take off a spot, you often wind up with a lot of gook on the wall, usually in the form of a round, gray spot. Not fun.
So here is the thing: you can vacuum your walls. Isn't that wild? When it gets bad you can use an all-purpose cleaner on the washable walls.

1. Wash walls from top to bottom. This can be a pain. Sometimes I prefer to just repaint the walls.

2. Use warm iron to remove tape from a wall. Through a protective cloth, press the tape with the iron to loosen its backing.

3. Rub finger smudges right away. (This is much easier said than done. I usually leave smudges for a few years as a sentimental reminders of my kids' cute, chubby fingers.)

4. Brick walls can be cleaned with water and cleaner, and if the mortar is dirty, try some bleach. Smoke stains around a fireplace can be removed with an abrasive cleaner. Rinse well.

Spring Cleaning Service NYC

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