Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Spring Cleaning your Car.

To keep your car looking new, it's a good idea to wash it every week. First, hose off any dirt. Then sponge on a solution of water and car washing detergent. (Don't use household products
they can scratch the finish.) Rinse the car, working down from the roof. Wipe dry using terry towels.
Use only clean, soft rags. Dirty rags just spread around the dirt and any abrasion in the rag could ruin the car's finish.
Don't let your car dry naturally,wipe it with a soft, clean cloth. Most water contains chlorine which can damage the finish.
Remove rust stains with a very fine-grade of steel wool.
Or crumple up aluminum foil and firmly scrub the rusted spots only.
A baking soda and water paste cleans headlights, enamel and chrome. Rinse well.
Nail polish remover will get rid of an unwanted bumper sticker. Saturate the sticker, let soak for a few moments, then scrape away with a knife.
To remove tar, dab the affected area with ammonia. Let sit for one minute, then blot.
Get rid of cigarette odors - and prevent them from coming back - by layering the ashtray with baking soda.
If you've bought a new car and can't get rid of the price hig, sponge on vinegar. Gently rub using a soft cloth. You may need to repeat.
Cooking oil removes stubborn price tags, but it leaves another greasy mess behind.
Repair a scratch with a crayon of similar color. Work the wax into the scratch and blend with your fingertips.
Clean windshields with full strength vinegar. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.
Remove the grime on your windshield wipers with a solution of one part water and one part antifreeze.
For more cleaning tips visit our web site at or call Spring Cleaning Service in New York City,NYC, at 212-962-6730 today for all your spring house,apartment, cleaning needs!!!

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