Monday, March 13, 2006

Spring Cleaning your Carpets and Floors.

Dirt weakens carpet fibers, so it's a good idea to clean them regularly - even if they don't look dirty.
Overlap your strokes when you vacuum (at least five or six times) to get out deeply embedded dirt.It's important to get to a spill before it becomes a stain. Blot up as much as you can immediately and scrape up any solid mess. Begin at the outer edges and work toward the middle. Don't rub - this will only push the spot farther into the rug fibers.
To clean a fresh stain, pour a little club soda on the spot. Let it set for a few minutes, then blot with a clean cloth. You may need to repeat this several times.
To remove older spots, combine two tablespoons detergent, three tablespoons vinegar and one quart warmwater. Work mixture into the stain, but don't soak. Blot with a clean cloth.
Or squeeze a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent into the stain. Use a slightly damp sponge to work up a lather. Remember, though: Blot, don't rub. Use a clean towel to soak up the moisture. Continue this process as needed.
For a very old stain that refuses to come out with the above methods, try using a dry cleaning fluid. Don't pour it directly on the spot; instead, dampen a clean white towel and dab the stain gently. Continue dabbing and blotting until the stain is gone.
Once you've treated a stain, cover the area with a clean towel. Place a book or other heavy object over the area. Replace the towel with a fresh one as it gets damp.
Treating stains & spots:
Sprinkle a fresh mud spot with enough cornstarch to cover it completely. Let stand for 20 minutes, then vacuum. Cover grease spots with baking soda and dab it into the fibers. Let it sit for one hour, then scrub with a stiff brush. Repeat if necessary.
Cream of tartar will remove stubborn ink stains. Spread it on thickly, then add a few drops of lemon juice. Blot with a clean cloth for a few minutes. Brush off, then wash area with plain warm water.
Remove candle wax drippings by covering with a brown paper bag and then ironing over the spot. The bag should absorb the wax.
Camouflage is the best way to deal with a cigarette burn. Remove as many of the burned fibers as you can, either with tweezers or a pair of cuticle scissors. Snip some clean fibers from an out-of-the-way spot and glue them into the hole with white glue or fabric glue. Allow the area to dry thoroughly for 24 hours.
Freezing works best when it comes to getting rid of gum. Hold an ice cube against the gum until it becomes hard and brittle. Then break it apart with a butter knife and lift off. Remove any remains with detergent and cold water.
Cover soot with a thick layer of salt, then vacuum. Never try to remove soot with water because it makes the stain worse.
Get to a red wine spill as quickly as you can. Soak up the excess with a white cloth, then cover the area with talcum powder or borax. When the powder starts to form clumps, remove and add more clean powder. Repeat a few times, then let the powder sit for a couple of hours. Once again, remove the powder and then wash the spot with a mild detergent.
Remove glue with white vinegar.
Have you dropped a pen on the rug? Saturate the area with hair spray. Let dry, then wash with white vinegar and water.
Bleach spots don't have to be a disaster. You can recolor them by mixing clothing dye and water until it is the correct shade. Just remember that wet fibers look darker than they actually are. Take your time applying and let the area dry completely before adding more color.
Get rid of smelly pet stains by alternately sponging carbonated water on the area and blotting it up until the stain is gone. If your animal continues to stain the same place, try spraying vinegar on the spot. The smell should turn him off.
If your carpets continue to smell musty even after you've cleaned them, the problem is most likely in the padding. Make sure it's completely dry, then sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda over the entire pad. Let it dry completely, then vacuum.
Mildew doesn't have to mean it's time for a new rug. Sprinkle the affected areas with baking soda or cat litter. Let stand for two hours, then vacuum.
Vinyl & Linoleum Floors
If floors aren't too soiled, a damp mop and warm water are all you need. Just sweep or vacuum first.
If floors are very dirty, you'll need to wet mop. Use an all-purpose cleanser diluted with water. Have two buckets ready, one for the detergent and one for rinse water. ,(Even though some commercial detergents say rinsing isn't necessary, it's a good idea. The reason most no-wax floors lose their shine is because they aren't rinsed thoroughly, attracting more dirt.)
If floors are still dull even after rinsing, mop again using a solution of white vinegar and water.
Before applying wax, get rid of any old wax. Use a solution of three parts water to one part rubbing alcohol.
Treating stains & spots:
Scrub scuff marks with a nylon pad or fine-grade steel wool dipped in a detergent-water solution. Wash the floor as usual.Crayon comes off easily with a damp cloth and silver polish.
Wood Floors
The best way to keep wood floors looking beautiful is to sweep and dust them frequently. Spray the end of your dust mop with spray wax to keep them shiny.
It's a good idea to damp mop at least once a week, but never let the water soak the floor - that causes buckling and warping.
Detergents are generally too harsh for wooden floors. Instead, use one-half
cup vinegar to one gallon water. Dip mop into solution, wring out well, and work on a small area at a time. Change the solution as it gets dirty.
Remove heel marks with kerosene or a pencil eraser.
Get rid of scratches with a very fine-grade steel wool dipped in floor wax.
Brown shoe polish mixed with floor wax will fill in faded spots.
Tile Floors
Sweep often to remove excess dirt. Vacuuming may scratch the surface. Wash with a vinegar-water solution.
For more cleaning tips visit our web site at or call Spring Cleaning Service in New York City,NYC, at 212-962-6730 today for all your spring house,apartment, cleaning needs!!!

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